############################################################################# Getting what you really want 10. ############################################################################# Monday, July 18th, 1988. "1200 Grand. 13 A.M." That was what it said on the letter. "Damnit!" I said, waking Justin up beside me. "What's a matter?" he said, half asleep. "13 A.M...13am...," I kept repeating. It didn't make sense anyway you put it. I jumped out of bed, and grabbed the letter out of the suitcase. I examined it, I held it up to the light, I was ready to send it out for fingerprints. That's when I happened to notice it. Something else had been written on it, on top of it. Someone had written something on a sheet of paper above this one, and the indentions were showing through. I grabbed a pencil, and started to rub it lightly along the paper. That "13" was becoming "135 Park A.M.". "Justin! Get up!" I told him. He turned over, and I kept mentioning the letter. He finally got up, and within 15 minutes, we were on our way to Park. It was in the older section of town, and 135 Park was actually an office building. A government agency. I walked inside and went to the receptionist. "Who can I talk to about missing persons?" "Who's missing?" she asked. "Aron Mason." The whole office quieted down. A man from another office came over, and led myself and Justin into his office. He shut the door behind us. We sat down behind his desk, and he went before us. "What do you know about Aron Mason?" "Do you know him?" "He works for us. Who are you?" Justin came in. "He just happens to be the best friend I've got." "You must be Justin Parker. Mr. Mason told us about you." He looked in my direction. "And you are...?" "Nicolus Tails," I told him. He nodded like he knew exactly who I was, and started explaining what was going on. "Mason told us that if you were to wind up here, to go ahead and explain what the situation is, so feel privelaged. I want the both of you to know that this is classified government information, and it is not to leave this office. Do you understand?" We both nodded. "All right. Aron Mason works for us in drug trafficking. An 'underground' man." "A Narc," Justin said. The man nodded. "If you want to call it that. He went undercover for us, we did a bust, and then staged a murder of him to keep him out of the public view. If the drug runners believed he was dead, then there was less of a chance to worry about anything." "Then he's alive?" "He's in Boston." Justin looked relieved. He looked refreshed. He looked better than he had in two weeks. The man continued. "We've been working on this for more than three years." "Can we see him?" I asked. He hesitated. "He was originally going to go on the WPR program, Witness Protection and Relocation. He's been in court, and the people we busted are in jail. But he didn't want it, even though the risks are pretty high. He's going back to Denver tomorrow. But I guess you can call him if you want." He wrote the number down, and handed it to me. "He's registered as Larry Pregnall." He left the room, and Justin dialed the phone. He gave the name, and miles away, in Boston, Aron was in his hotel room. The phone rang. "Hello?" "Aron?" "Sorry, this is Larry Pregnall." "I know it's you. This is Justin." "Justin? Justin! Oh God, I've missed you." They went back and forth in conversation, I just sat back and watched Justin talk. I was really glad about Aron being alive. That night, Justin and I flew back into Stapleton International in Denver, and after dropping Justin off at his home, I drove to my house. I walked in the door, and was greeted by various aromas of food. The dining table was complete, and I walked in and looked around. "Nick, you're home!" Tim greeted me. He walked in from the hallway, and came up to me. "Do you know what it's like not having a good, decent meal in two days?" I asked him. "Not really. Did you find Aron?" "He's in Boston, he's coming back tomorrow." "He's alive? Thank God. What about the funeral?" "What about it?" I asked. "Well, we had an entire funeral for him. How did that work?" "It was a closed casket. No one ever saw a body. We're supposed to keep this to a minimum. God only knows what would happen if the press found out he was alive. Worse, if one of the people that he put in jail did." "Aron put who in jail?" I explained the entire situation to him. About the letter, which we finally figured out the "A.M." stood for "Aron Mason". I felt real stupid after I figured it out. I told him about the warehouse, and about the agency, and about Justin's reaction when talking to him. All he did was smile. "Quite a story," he said. I just nodded. "Are we eating?" "Sure," I told him. We sat down, and just looked at each other. I started to eat, and even though I found out that Tim's not made to be a cook, it was still a beautiful situation. "I Had the Time of my Life" was coming over the radio. It was romantic, it was secure, it was perfect. I got up, and after several awkward moves, we were dancing, slow, in the bedroom. I had my arms around him, moving to the mood. It felt good to be around someone that I really loved. I think he felt the same way about me. I kissed him gently, and rested my head on his shoulder, feeling his blood pulse through his body. I shut my eyes, remembering when we were at the party, one of the first times that I was with him. It started out just being sex, and that's all it was, but that was months ago, and I know what Justin was talking about, that "something special". We felt this, I felt this. It seemed like the two of us were melting into each other. I relaxed my body, and moved closer to him. He was resting his head on my shoulder, as I was doing to him, and I knew that he loved me. I kissed him again, and we started to kiss each other. We were feeling each other's warmth, and I felt that I was glowing. He was soft, his face was soft. I was pressed against his chest, and could feel his heart beating like I'm sure he could feel mine. With every beat, going gently into purity. We slowly moved down onto the top of the bed. I felt him against me, letting loose all tension and stress. Slowly moving into total relaxation. I no longer felt alone. I felt like I was part of him, and I truely believe that he felt he was a part of me. I ran my hands through his hair, feeling it, caressing it, trying to make out its texture, but it was fine and soft. It flowed like the ocean in Hawaii. I could easily imagine us there, with the bright red sun in the distance, illuminating him and me. Illuminating me and him. I looked into his eyes, and they were like a calm lake, perfect and mirrored, but you could see the tenderness. I gradually undid the buttons on his shirt, being careful not to disturb him. I gently kissed him, moving downward toward his chest, and making sure that he was in no way tense. I slipped him out of his shirt, and layed my head against his chest. I could hear his heart, and felt it against the side of my face. He started masassing my shoulders, and I easliy slipped out of my shirt, and turned over, letting him massage my back, feeling his gripping hands against my bare skin. I let my thoughts go, feeling us anywhere, just together. I turned, and began to slowly slip his trousers from his body. He did the same to me, and I began to gently rub his legs, feeling the rippling muscles from the life that supported him. As he got behind me, he slipped the remaining covering from me, and continuously rubbed my body. Freeing himself from any last remaining clothes, and moving toward me to be warmed by the heat from my body, he slowly moved his erect penis near me. I felt it against my buttocks, and when he touched me, I could feel the energy flow between us. He slowly guiding his throbbing organ inside me. I felt it as a bond. A link between the two of us. He took my shoulders with his hands, gentle and soft, but muscular and manly. He massaged, and continued to rotate his body, in a manner that wasn't wild, but more satisfying and more fulfilling than anything that I had felt. I felt a man who loved me. I felt him. Although I could tell he was nearing his final point, he never rushed. He slowed, allowing me to feel him, and contain him. I could sense the heat coming from his body, letting me warm myself, beyond heat. I could imagine myself glowing, illuminating my partner and myself, letting the world know that what I was feeling was something that no other person could ever find. But I also imagined keeping it. A secret, something that you would let no one know about, something that you couldn't let anyone tell. It seemed right. The glow illuminated from him. I felt him throb, and I felt him ejaculate deep into space, and felt him retract. I felt him pulse. As he retreated, I turned over, and pulled him near me. I kissed him, and as I did so, grabbed his body, never planning to let it go. I wanted to hold on to him as no other person could. I rubbed myself against him, and he began to decend on my body. He caressed my chest, my waist, my thighs. He decended lower, and took my heartwarming organ into his mouth, and I went back in true, loving ecstacy. The bond was there, but more importantly the love. No one except the true caring people of this world allow you to have this pleasure. He was moving his firm hands across my body, across my back, across me. My heart was rapid, but my movements were slow. My blood was flowing through his body, and his was in mine. I could tell. I felt myself explode into him, and my body shuddered and tensed, before letting relaxation take over again. Tim pulled away, and moved beside me, letting me examine his face. I wrapped my arms around him, and fell asleep in his arms. ============================================================================= >>>Nick Tails